Course Content
All course content is delivered by Mia via 16 group clearing calls with Q&A, 6 remote healings of 3 days each and 6 written assignments. These remote healings, which will be sent after 6 selected group calls, will be sent after you have listened to the relevant call.
During this course you can email Mia 24/7 with any questions you may have about the course material.
You can also place your comments at the end of each call or assignment. However, these comments are not private.
This course contains:
16 GROUP CLEARING CALLS (Each minimum 90 minutes)
- This course has 6 special group clearing calls followed by 3 days of remote healing. After listening to these calls you will receive remote healings for 3 days.
- There are 10 additional live group clearing calls included without remote healing following.
- During each of the live calls there will be time allocated for your questions. You can submit questions in writing via email up to 1 hour prior to the call and during the call in the comment section of the web call. You can also ask questions in person by" raising your hand" during the live call.
- Each call is a minimum of 90 minutes. Due to the live Q&A during each call, they will often last longer. It all depends on how many relevant questions there are during the call.
- There are 6 worksheets included in the course. Each contains "self enquiry" questions relevant to the group consciousness at the time.
- These work sheets with simple assignments are specifically tailored to upgrading the consciousness of each person attending this course.
- The accompanying MP3 for Course 4 is the same for Course 2, but has been upgraded specifically for this course. These new upgrades only work for Course 4 participants (a bit like a radio with many stations) as the remote healing frequencies for this course are much higher than for Course 2.
- As with Course 2 you will need to listen to this MP3 at least once after you have completed a worksheet. You can repeat these worksheets and the MP3 as often as you like, even when the course is finished.
At the end of each group call there is a comment section, which will allow you to communicate or share about each of the calls.
You will receive unlimited email support directly from Mia for the duration of the course. For any questions or support, please email [email protected]
New course information will be delivered via email as well as via this website. You will be notified via email when new course content is available.