About This Course
Welcome to the course Divine Intelligence, Soul, and Life
Welcome to this brand new course, which will help you to improve your alignment with people that are part of your life and in your immediate environment. People that can trigger issues around fear or negativity. This could, for example, be with family and friends or in your work environment. It depends on your connection with these people.
This course empowers by creating a better "flow" for stressful or imbalanced aspects in such relationships.
The outcomes of these relationship improvements involve higher aspects of your soul and spiritual wisdom, which you will gradually, automatically begin to access as you are proceeding through this course. This could be for a relationship issue with a partner, close relative, friends or anyone you have any kind of contact with, but not for strangers such as bus drivers etc. when you do not know them.
The course content is delivered over a 5 month period and consists of 16 live clearing (minimum 90 min.) group calls with Q&A, and 6 written assignments. Remote healings are included for 6 of these calls and will follow after you have listened to either the live call or the replay.
Once you have received all clearings from each of the calls and the remote healings you will be much better aligned to your True Self.
Your True Self, which is part of your soul plane, has all the inner power to help you with your life. It has constant access to your Divinity within. Much more so than when you try to access this through the mental plane.
Your True Self is also that aspect of your soul which expresses itself through you in human form, but it is often repressed because of childhood and other negative or traumatic events.
Social conditioning and also decisions made during the course of your life can widen this gap between you and your True self. These gaps are "narrowed" through each of the calls and subsequent healings.
By the time you have finished this course you will have mastered many impediments in your own life that prevented you from improving your relationships through your True Self and Spirit.