This course is the foundation platform for several other courses.
During this course your Soul and you will get help to create a major alignment or connection between your Soul, Mind, and Spirit with the help of Mia’s spiritual gift.
Once those 3 aspects of yourself are better integrated with each other you will become a more powerful energetic force in all areas of living.
This course includes both pre-recorded and life content. There are 9 distant healings included after each of the 9 group calls.
After you inform Mia via email that you have completed listening to the relevant lesson she will send the distant healing for as long as is needed to integrate the information fo that lesson.

During this course you can contact Mia anytime via email should there be any questions or additional support is needed.

Healing this connection between your Soul, Mind, and Spirit automatically creates more wholeness, well-being, and a much better connection with the truth of who you are, your True Self.
During this course, your consciousness and wisdom or knowing will increase to bring more of Spirit and your own Divinity into your life.


I really enjoyed Mia’s Course “Aligning Your Soul, Mind, and Spirit and found that in general, I have the feeling that my higher Self is more integrated and that this is the reason that more energy is flowing into my chakras.

I experience more grounding and that also generates a sense of security and peace around me.
I have also noticed that I tap more into the flow of true happiness, regardless of what happens around me. I still prefer ‘good things and tidings’ but I am able to regain my balance much faster when life seems difficult or boring.

It is easier for me to step more into my personal power by connecting with the cosmic power and in this way, I seem to support and benefit others in a very different way and no longer by ‘controlling’ with the ego.
I am noticing that I am better able to align each day with Source and am therefore able to express more of the activated heart energy. I feel more compassion and less pity.
I feel my purpose more, can give more voice to my role in life. And celebrates more everyone’s uniqueness; we all are like voices in a choir.
By nourishing a connection to my essential self, I feel that my wisdom flows more like water flowing down a hill. I no longer need to think a lot when I am working. My true wisdom is now much better seeing what needs to be done and then acting on inner knowing. I feel I have a little more expanded consciousness, feel more Light within.

Anne V. Holland


Mia’s course Aligning Your Soul, Mind and Spirit has helped me tremendously.
The worksheets helped me to focus specifically on what the issues were, and then her calls and remote healings did the work.
I had been feeling like I wanted a change in my life but not knowing what.
Her clearings opened up a potential advancement at the company I work for that was brought to me by my boss, without me having to do anything.
I have bought dozens and dozens of packages from different healers hoping to find that something we all are searching for.
With Mia, I have found it. I feel like the course has balanced me and made me stronger.

Cheryll B. US

Your Instructor

Mia den Haan
Mia den Haan

Mia was born with many spiritual gifts and came into her full potential in 2002 when she was given a powerful healing method called "Your Divine Soul Essence" during a channeling. Mia uses this process, combined with her ability to channel Spirit, in all of her spiritual healings and courses.

As a spiritual healer and channel for Spirit, Mia receives information directly from your own soul’s highest level of wisdom. She receives spiritual guidance for you on any issue, whether personal, family, or business related, including information and guidance about your body, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes, your karmic issues, and your genetics.

In both private sessions and courses, Mia very much embodies your soul with the wisdom of Spirit as it is given to her through her channeled messages from Spirit.
The miraculous healings people have received in both sessions and courses, including healings of a physical nature, were all accomplished through distant healings.

Mia has worked extensively with autistic children. Her autism healings were documented in two books, one authored by the mother of one of her severely disabled and autistic young clients.

Additionally, Mia is a certified Life and Business Coach, with many years of practical business experience as a business owner and employer since 1990. Her spiritual gifts have been used in business dynamics, such as with workplace bullying, management, burnout, and a variety of interpersonal, staff, and management-related issues.

Mia has completed more than 19.000 sessions with both private individuals and groups, in more than 45 countries. The life changing results of working with Mia are reflected in her many testimonials.

You can read more than 200 testimonials on her website

Course Curriculum

  Lesson 1 - GROUP CALL 1: Introduction - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 2 - ASSIGNMENT 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 3 - GROUP CALL 2: How You Create With Spirit And Your Soul's Divine Essence - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 4 - ASSIGNMENT 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 5 - GROUP CALL 3: Your Soul's Journey And Your Purpose - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 6 - ASSIGNMENT 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 7 - GROUP CALL 4: You Are an Outflow - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 8 - ASSIGNMENT 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 9 - GROUP CALL 5: Spirit Your Soul And Life - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 10 - ASSIGNMENT 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 11 - GROUP CALL 6: Spirit, the Causal Plane And Group Consciousness - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 12 - ASSIGNMENT 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 13 - GROUP CALL 7: Your Future And The Planet - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 14 - GROUP CALL 8: About Your Soul and Spirit
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 15 - BONUS CALL 9 - Followed by distant healings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What Comes Next - Course Details
Available in days
days after you enroll