Welcome and Congratulations!
I am so happy to have you on this exciting journey whereby we will integrate the many patterns your soul needs to integrate for you to feel whole and experience more well-being.
During this course you will discover how your soul and you can walk together, have fun and feel more empowered and in well-being.
We will also go into more detail about the reasons for living ...... why we reincarnate in the first place.
This new understanding helps you become more empowered and live life more from within.
During this course, there will be many soul alignments with help of the channeled content, the remote healings and the downloadable content.
Once your soul, mind, and spirit are aligned, it will result in less stress and greater insights in your life. You will also become a more powerful energetic force.
This course will build a platform to increase your level of consciousness and awareness which in turn can assist you with many different areas of your life.
These soul alignments will also create more wholeness within, and you will become better aligned to your True Self. Once your misalignments have cleared, your life will flow better and you will also find that it will provide more clarity to help with your decision making.
When these three aspects of your being; your mental plane, soul, and spirit are all in balance, it creates a mighty power that can ultimately, with the right knowledge and spirit’s help, improve many things that may seem impossible, such as weather patterns and weather outflows (which is taught in course 3).
It can also help improve your relationships, such as with family and the work environment (which will be taught in course 4).